How to run ToEarnFun App

Getting started

Although ToEarnFun is developed using flutter, currently we only implement Bluetooth connection adaptation for Android models. So we only released the APK installation file for Android, you need an Android phone to install it.

Build and install App

Install from APK

Download this 1.0.0-alpha and install it on your Android Mobile Phone.

Install from source code

Clone the latest source code from github.

git clone

Run App on local node(Option)

  1. Modify the following code segment of the toearnfun_flutter_app project.

  2. To configure the necessary data for the local node, refer to here.

  //file: toearnfun_flutter_app/lib/plugin.dart
  List<NetworkParams> get nodeList {
    return [
        'name': 'Polket Testnet',
        'ss58': 42,
        'endpoint': 'ws://', // change the `endpoint` to the url of the local node  
    ].map((e) => NetworkParams.fromJson(e)).toList();

The special address on Android is the right endpoint of local node, see more about it.

Open Android Studio, and open Android Emulator or connect Android Mobile Phone.

# Run ToEarnFun App on Polket testnet
flutter run lib/main_dev.dart

Build APK

flutter build apk --split-per-abi

Install APK

flutter install

How to test

Configure the local node environment(Option)

If we run the network using a local node, we first need to initially configure some data.

Open the Polkadot Explorer in a browser and connect to the local node.

In currencies module create an asset FUN for training incentives.

In events, we see that the AssetId starts at 1.

In vfe module createVfeBrand, fill in the content as shown below.

The same as Assets, the BrandIdstarts at 1.

We use sudo key to set AssetId 1 as the incentive token.

Although we haven't registered a producer yet, the BrandId 1 owner can pre-approve ProducerId 1 to mint 10000 items of VFE.

In the App, we will use a demo account 5C4vzxJwrWbds1wdV5YmMEyeifXhJbFVPQSfzbr371aTLsLp for testing.

So we transfer a little test coins to it for transaction fees.

Import demo account

  1. Click Import wallet button.

  2. We have filled in a demo mnemonic for testing by default. Just click Continue button.

  3. Setup the wallet name and password.

Register and bind device

After the account is created, we will enter the Home page. Then click the Image button, select the Simulated Jump Rope item to bind device.

In fact, we have already produced a real smart jump rope that can be connected. Due to time constraints, we first provide a simulator for testing.

Follow the steps and select the Simulated device to connect.

  1. Click Register button, if current account isn't producer, the program first registers the account as a producer. Then click Register button again to register this device on chain.

  2. Click Bind button to activate this device on chain.

  3. After the binding is successful, you will return Home page and get a new Virtual Fitness Equipment (VFE).

  4. Click STATUS label, disconnected will change to connected .

Generate simulated training report

Since there is no real equipment, we produce simulated training reports.

  1. In Home page Click My Training label, enter Training Report page.

  2. Click AppBar right button, the app will generate a simulated training report. Select this report, and click > image button, enter detail page.

Upload training reports and earn FUN rewards

  1. New training reports are available within a 1-day deadline. Click Report Now button to upload training report on chain.

  2. After the runtime verification training report is valid, FUN rewards will be issued to users. Based on the reported training volume, the user's daily available energy will be consumed.

View user daily training and VFE details

  1. In Home page, we can see the user's daily training chart. The user's daily energy will be restored by 25% each period. The user's daily earning cap resets every 24 hours.

  2. Click VFE image, we can enter VFE Detail page, see more information about VFE.

Sport Type

The system will support 3 sports types: JumpRope, Running, Riding. Currently under development is JumpRope.

VFE Rarity

VFE currently has 4 rarities, and the attribute values of different rarities are different.

  • Common.

  • Elite.

  • Rare.

  • Epic.

Initial attribute points

The ability of VFE consists of four attributes: Efficiency, Skill, Luck, and Durability, and the range of initial points varies according to the rarity.

Min. Attribute
Max. Attribute













Battery charge

After each successful upload training report, not only the user's energy is consumed, but also the battery of the VFE is consumed.

  1. In the VFE Detail page, click the Charge button at the bottom.

  2. In the dialog view, you can slide the slider bar, select the amount you want to charge, and finally click the confirm button to pay FUN as the charging cost.

Level up

To get more FUN, in addition to training every day, you can also level up VFE to improve each training to get more FUN.

  1. In the VFE Detail page, click the Level up button at the bottom.

  2. In the dialog view, you can level up VFE by paying enough FUN.

Increase VFE ability

New points can be added after VFE completes the level up.

  1. In the VFE Detail page, click the + Point button at the Attributes.

  2. In the Add Points page You can freely add the available points to each attribute.

Transfer VFE

When you fully charge the VFE and unbind the device, you can transfer money to other users.

  1. In the VFE Detail page, first you should unbind the VFE, click the Unbind button at the bottom.

  2. After the VFE is unbound, you can click the Transfer button at the bottom.

  3. In the Send VFE page, If we want to transfer VFE to Alice, just copy Alice's address 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY to the TextField.(In the Android Emulator, long press TextField, then Paste the address into it.)

  4. Finally, after you check that the address is correct, click Send button to complete the transfer.

In the explorer, you will find the Transfer event appears. Next, you will use Alice to place an order on the marketplace.


ToEarnFun provides an on-chain VFE marketplace. First, we use Alice to submit an order in the explorer, then we also submit an order in the App, and finally purchase Alice's order in the App.

Make order in Polkadot Explorer

Open the Polkadot Explorer in a browser, go to Developer->Extrinsics. In vfeOrder module submitOrder(assetId, price, deadline, items), fill in the content as shown below. We completed submitting an order with Alice.

Take order in App

  1. In App, the bottom toolbar's last tab is marketplace. Alice's order appears here.

  2. You can buy it now by clicking the Buy button on the order item. You can also click on the order to view the VFE details.

Make order in App

After the VFE is unbinded, you can sell it to VFE marketplace.

  1. In the VFE Detail page, if the VFE is unbond, you can click the Sell button at the bottom.

  2. Place a price, click Maker Order, and you can sell it to the marketplace.

Cancel Order

  1. You can click My Sale to view your orders on the marketplace.

  2. You can click the cancel button to delete the unblied order.

User wallet

In Home page or VFE Detail page, Click Appbar right button, can enter Wallet page. We can see all assets of user on Polket chain.

The Polket chain is developed based on substrate, and these assets can be circulated to the polkadot ecosystem in the future.

Buyback plan

FUN is not only used in VFE's gameplay, but also can be used to get other assets in the buyback plan.

Create buyback plan

Open the Polkadot Explorer in a browser, go to Developer->Extrinsics. In buyback module createPlan(sellAssetId, buyAssetId, minSell, buybackAmount, sellerLimit, start, period, mode), fill in the content as shown below. We use the Alice account to create a buyback plan.

  • sellAssetId is the asset used by user will sell to plan. Value 1 is FUN.

  • buyAssetId is the asset used by the creator for buyback sellAssetId. Value 0 is PNT.

  • minSell is the limitation of the minimum selling of sellAssetId.

  • buybackAmount is the total number of buyback plan. Please ensure that the account has sufficient balance available.

  • sellerLimit is used to limit the number of participants.

  • start is the block number of the buyback plan when starts. When the plan status is Inprogress, the user can participate.

  • period is after how many blocks the buyback plan will end.

  • mode is sell asset will be handle after buyback plan completed.

Buyback plan in App

In the App, you can see the buyback plan just created, click View button to view the plan detail.

Participate in the buyback plan

  1. On the detailed page, you can lock in FUN to the plan, and then wait for the plan to end.

  2. After the plan completed, the plan will give you a reward for another asset according to the final buyback price.

Last updated